My Bookmarks and Annotations 05/25/2010

  • hanks to some handy tricks in the Google Labs bag you can easily add an HTML signature complete with images and save it for future use without plug-ins or outside help.
    Earlier this month Lifehacker reader Smosh showed how to put signatures in Gmail without plug-ins. Expanding on the same trick Smosh shared, Amit at Digital Inspiration put together a guide to combining the "Canned Responses" and "Inserting Images" Google Labs features to make easy and image-rich signatures inside Gmail without any plug-ins or outside editing.
    Check out the video above to see the process in action or visit Digital Inspiration at the link below to read through the steps. Have a favorite clever use of a Google Labs feature? Let's hear about it in the comments.
    Create HTML Signatures Right Inside Gmail [Digital Inspiration]

    tags: lifehacker, google, gmail, signature

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


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