Spring is the Time of Presenters in Maine Township 207

February and March have been busy months for Technology and Education Conferences and several staff members in Maine Township 207 have been actively presenting. Listed below are the conferences and our presenters. Those staff members marked with an asterisk are Google Certified Educators. If you are looking for a presenter on one of the topics search for anyone below.

Illinois Computing Educators Conference - February 24-27
Aida Awad*: Workshop - Google Apps in the Collaborative Classroom
Michael Biondo*: ICE Teacher of the Year, Workshop - Five Fantastic Features of Formative Assessment and Supporting Tech Tools, Breakout - Engage! Using Google Apps to Enhance Learning
Neil Charlet*: Workshop - Chrome-ology: Getting the most out of your Chromebook
David Fermanich: Workshop - Google Forms and Autocrat, Breakout - Peardeck, a tech tool for formative assessments
Allison Gest*: Breakout - Engage! Using Google Apps to Enhance Learning
Jim Gubbins: Breakout: Make Your Classroom STEAM with Creative YouTube Video Ideas, Breakout - Where Have All the Web Tools Gone?
Richard Jones*: Workshop - Using Google Apps to Support Your Research-Based Writing Course
Alexis Liakakos: Workshop - Five Fantastic Features of Formative Assessment and Supporting Tech Tools
Pam Morgan*: Workshop - Web Wars: How to Become a Web Master!, Workshop - Chrome Apps for Digital Storytelling
Adad Ocampo*: Breakout: Chromebook Ninja Training
Greg Regalado*: Workshop - Chrome-ology: Getting the most out of your Chromebook
Wendy Reitz:  Beyond First to Five: Formative Assessment in a 1:1 Classroom
Dexter Roknich*: Workshop - Google Apps in the Collaborative Classroom
Tina Sabatello: Breakout - Creating Interactive Instructional Videos the Free & Easy Way
Hank Thiele*: Workshop -  Become a Google Data Wizard, Workshop - Google Apps for Administrators, Breakout - Awesome Tables: Become a Data Hero

Future Ready Conference - March 7-8
Hank Thiele*: Breakout - Changing to a Culture Built on Collaboration, Breakout - Going 1-1 with chromebooks

Midwest Google Summit - March 15-17
Aida Awad*: Spotlight Speaker Sessions - 20% Time Projects in the Classroom, What’s that paper crumpled up in your backpack?, Google Maps - moving from Google Earth to the Cloud, Flipping your classroom with Google Apps for Education
Allison Gest*: Workshop - Google Apps for Education for Science Teachers
Derrick Swistak*: Workshop - Google Add-ons
Hank Thiele*: Workshop - Become a Google Data Wizard, Breakouts - Awesome Tables: Become a Data Hero, Google Drawings: The Most Powerful App You Have Never Used
Collin Voigt*: Workshop - Google Add-ons

ASCD (Association for Supervision, Curriculum and Development) Conference March 21-22
Hank Thiele*: Breakout - Improved Student Achievement through Targeted Communication

WEMTA (Wisconsin Educational Media & Technology Association) Conference March 23-24
Jim Gubbins: Breakouts - Where Have All the Web Tools Gone?, Make Your Classroom STEAM with Creative YouTube Video Ideas, Functional Formulas for Success with Google Apps


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