TechTip 9/5 - Quintura

Good Evening,

Busy day today - so here is a short late night tip:

Here is a rather cool site that is in the ballpark of tagging, which is the theme we are on this week.

Quintura is a visual search engine. It extracts keywords from search results and builds a word cloud. By clicking words in the cloud, you refine your query.

It is really cool to see your search morph and change as you click on words. It is a great tool for visual learners. It is also helpful if you are searching "around" a topic and can't come up with the exact right term.

Check out the search for rubrics:

I am only showing you 1/2 of the screen. On the right is the listing of sites that changes as you click on terms in the cloud.

A real fun thing to search for when using quintura is pictures. The images will show on the right and also change as you maneuver through the cloud. Try it I think you will agree.

Quintura is just another search engine - but it does it visually. Kinda cool!


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