Approved! New Maine 207 "Web Environment"

Last night was a huge day for our district. Our board of education approved us to move forward on a project that will revolutionize our web presence and what we can do on the web.

Here are the main parts:

A main site for each school in the district governed by a CMS.
A branch in the site for each activity/sport/teacher/etc... with the same CMS tools
Each teacher will have a portal page that will bring their customized content to them

Here is the real kicker -

Each student will have their own portal page that will populate with important information from around the school - and they will have the ability to post content to it - AND SHARE that content with other teachers and students

This will be a collaborative web 2.0 environment that gives our teachers and students the power to change the way they work in a classroom.

American Eagle has given me permission to post part of the proposal so anyone who is interested can get a better idea of the direction we are heading in.

When we started this process my goal was to create a web presence that had the power influence change what we do in the classroom - I think we are on the way to that goal.


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