Tech Planning Process - Conversations

We have finished the tech request portion of the tech plan and I will begin to put together a 3 year budget. Over the next 3 days I will meet with each school to discuss some big picture questions. I am opening the session with a powerpoint that you can download here:

We also shared the district technology vision

Here are the questions - any answers?

Technology Planning Starter Questions

Teacher 1-1 Laptops –

· What would be the curricular impact of 1-1 laptops for teachers?

· Staff Development

o What would be the staff development required for 1-1 laptops to effectively impact the curriculum?

o If we go to a 1-1 initiative should teachers be required to participate in a certain number of staff development hours to receive a laptop? Is so, how many hours over the lifetime of the computer?

· What would be the most important technical features in this device?

· What kind of technical support would teachers expect for a district provided laptop?

· What kinds of opportunities are created for community outreach through teacher laptops?

Student 1-1 Laptops –

· What kind of cost considerations would we have to think about? For example, are we willing to forgo textbooks for student laptops?

· How would student 1-1 laptops impact our curriculum?

· What would change in teacher expectations of student work, behavior, use of the device, etc?

· What kind of training would be required for each student? When and how would it happen?

· Would every building in the district do this with every student?

· What would be the most important technical features in this device?

· What kind of technical support would students expect for a district provided laptop?

Media Rich 21st Century Classrooms

· What should be in our classrooms?

o Here are some of the items that showed up in tech requests:

§ Computers – 1 or more…

§ LCD Projectors – Wired vs. Wireless

§ Document Cameras, Interactive Whiteboards, Blutetooth Tablets

§ Speakers and Sound

§ Printing – color vs. B&W – local vs. networked

· How does that impact the layout of our classrooms?

· How does the technology in the classroom impact instruction?

· What staff development would be needed to effectively use the technology present in a media rich 21st century classroom?

Staff Development and Technology Support

· Staff Development

o How much staff development is needed?

o What form should staff development take?

o When should it take place?

o Who should offer it and teach the teachers, staff, and students about technology?

· Technology Support

o What does technology support need to be doing to meet the needs of the organization?

o How many people does it take to meet those needs?

o Does building level technology support need to be people from the technology profession, geeky teachers, or a mix?

· Where in the building should technology support be located? What hours should support be available?


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