My Bookmarks and Annotations 02/18/2009

  • The Obama Stimulus Package, State by State

    February 10th, 2009 by George Maasry

    The “American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan1,” as christened by President Obama, is meant to channel funds into areas critical to both the short- and long-term health of the US economy. Amidst online discussions of the plan, I came across a series of interesting articles on National Public Radio’s blog, in a section dedicated to economics called “Planet Money.”
    2D Map of Stimulus Package Effects by State (by Alan Cordova) These articles, authored by Alan Cordova2, analyze five elements of the stimulus package, based on estimates released by the White House

    tags: visualisation, data, manyeyes, tagging

  • Data visualization continues to grow online and in the real world. It exists as masterful art pieces and amazingly useful analysis tools. In both cases though it brings data -- which is oftentimes cryptic -- to the masses and shows that data is more than a bucket of numbers. Data is interesting. As we collect more and more data about ourselves and our surroundings, the data and the visualization will only get more interesting. On that note, I give you FlowingData's picks for the top 5 data visualization projects of 2008. Visualizations were judged based on the use of data, aesthetics, overall effect on the visualization arena, and how well they told a story.

    tags: visualization, data, visualisation

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


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