My Bookmarks and Annotations 07/09/2009

  • Yes, it is easier. And you don't have to have Desktop Manager running. Here's my cheat sheet I have on my BB to remind myself how to connect. It's not very detailed, and assumes you have your BB connected to your PC via Bluetooth already.

    - in bluetooth devices, find the com port used for dial-up networking on the properties - services tab

    - in control panel - phone and modem options - modems tab, find the appropriate com port and go to properties. on the advanced tab, enter the following for extra settings: +cgdcont=1,"IP",""

    - in network connections, check the appropriate com port box for the blackberry bluetooth connection

    - connect. the number should be *99#, and the username/pw should be blank.


    the above directions assume you have a "blackberry bluetooth" connection pre-made. (the name is not important). if you don't have the connection made, you will have to create a connection first, using these directions:

    tags: laptop_tmobile, blackberryforums, bluetooth, tether

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


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