My Bookmarks and Annotations 08/05/2010

  • What is an ePortfolio?
    An ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) is an electronic collection of evidence that shows your learning journey over time. Portfolios can relate to specific academic fields or your lifelong learning. Evidence may include writing samples, photos, videos, research projects, observations by mentors and peers, and/or reflective thinking. The key aspect of an eportfolio is your reflection on the evidence, such as why it was chosen and what you learned from the process of developing your eportfolio. (Adapted from Philippa Butler’s “Review of the Literature on Portfolios and Eportfolios” (2006), page 2.)
    An ePortfolio is not a specific software package, but more a combination of process (a series of activities) and product (the end result of the ePortfolio process). Presentation portfolios can be created using a variety of tools, both computer desktop tools and online (Barrett, 2000; Barrett, 2004-2008). Most commercial ePortfolio tools are focused on the product (right-hand) side of the diagram above, although some open source tools contain some of the Web 2.0-type tools that enhance the process (left-hand) side of the diagram, such as blogs, social networking, and RSS feeds.

    tags: ePortfolio portfolio eportfolios e-portfolios

  • Surfing the net at work for pleasure actually increases our concentration levels and helps make a more productive workforce, according to a new University of Melbourne study.

    Dr Brent Coker, from the Department of Management and Marketing, says that workers who engage in ‘Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing’ (WILB) are more productive than those who don’t.

    “People who do surf the Internet for fun at work - within a reasonable limit of less than 20% of their total time in the office - are more productive by about 9% than those who don’t,” he says.

    “Firms spend millions on software to block their employees from watching videos on YouTube, using social networking sites like Facebook or shopping online under the pretense that it costs millions in lost productivity, however that’s not always the case.”

    tags: productivity research filter filtering

  • Google Apps Tips and Tricks

    Below is a list of weekly tips and tricks designed for new Google Apps end-users. Read Getting Started with Google Apps Tips and Tricks for information on how to setup, copy and distribute the weekly tips and tricks to users in your domain.

    Have an idea for a tip or trick you'd like to see added to the list? Great! Just enter in our Tip and Trick idea form. If you have suggestions or comments on any of the tips and tricks presented here, please enter them in our Site Feedback form.

    Want to create tips and tricks for your users? Make a copy of our Google Apps Tips and Tricks template.

    tags: google googleapps

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


  1. Hi, Henry,

    You summary of ePortfolios is OK as far as it goes but does not mention presenting to different audiences, for different purposes and possibly presenting different 'personas' of one's self.

    See my slideshare at:

    and my blog at:

    Best Wishes,
    Ray T


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