The Power of Immediate Feedback

Most of us know the power that immediate feedback offers students. If in doubt, check out McREL's materials on Classroom Instruction that Works. However, offering this is often difficult to do in our classrooms. We have turned to "clickers" and quick forms to provide feedback, but in the last 24 hours I have found another tool for our Feedback toolbox:

Self Grading/Scoring/Reporting Quiz Using Google Forms and Spreadsheets

Through Matthew Peskay in the Google Certified Trainer's group I came across an example of a Self Grading/Scoring/Reporting Quiz. Where he posted:
To see an example of the solution we're using now you can watch this YouTube tutorial we made for our staff.  To make things as easy as possible we actually published a form template with the script already installed so the staff member just needs to add the trigger (shown in the video).  Near the end of the video are some examples of the e-mails the student receives with the 'explanation' section.  Here's the vid, keep in mind this is meant to be viewed as a prequel to a direct 10-15 minute PD session where all staff create their own quiz: 

Matthew built upon an original Google Script written by Romain Vialard where he posted the original Video of how it works.

I then took his script and have been working with Romain to put together a sample spreadsheet that someone can modify and use on their own.

If you take this quiz your results and the information you need to build your own will be sent back to you. If you don't want to take the quiz you can go directly to a copy of the sample quiz spreadsheet.

I have believed for years that technology can help us make our classrooms more personal and allow us to tailor instruction to the direct needs of each student. Cool tools like this help make that possible.

A huge thanks to Romain who is open to ideas for making this even better, so pass them along to me, and I will send them his way.


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