David Thornburg 4/25 Presentation Follow-up

Some Technologies Referenced by David Thornburg

Cisco’s Telepresence


Jeff Han’s Multi Touch Display


Johnny Lee – Wii Hack




Some others that he didn’t show that are way cool:

Photosynth: http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/129

Robots that are self aware: http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/165

If you want to go back in the time machine – here is a similar presentation to David’s by Nicholas Negroponte done in 1984 about what technologies would be coming. Some people thought he was off base then – and a lot of this came true.


With a lot of technology – it isn’t if – it is when…

As Dr. Thornburg said – “It is creativity that is holding us back, not technology”


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