Embedding Flickr Photos using Pictobrowser

Want a photo gallery almost anywhere on your site? Like this

There has been some questions lately about photo galleries on our teacher's website pages. We are going to be adding some more internal gallery abilities on our website this year.

However, when the site was designed we had planned on leveraging the free tools out there through sites like flickr and youtube to distribute photos and video. Pictures and video are both resource hogs that we would prefer not to pay to host if someone out there is giving us the space and tools for free.

Here is the first installment in getting this done. Here is a document (pdf - let me know if you want the original word document to modify) that explains how to create a flickr account and use a free service from pictobrowser to create an embed code to place a photo gallery from flickr on your site.

The best part of this type of tool is that you can put it anywhere you can use html code!

In other words you can use it in blogs, email, wiki's or anywhere else you can put in html code.

Please try this out and give me any feedback to improve the directions.

Here are the directions http://tinyurl.com/6x2mky


  1. And if you need any kind of help or support for PictoBrowser, you can send me an email to diego@db798.com - I usually respond within 2 hrs.

    (I created PictoBrowser)

    : )



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