Blog Shift in Focus

In a lot of ways I have been ignoring my blogging. Twitter has gotten most of my attention, but I think I have stumbled on a new focus for this blog.

I am going to start focusing on my job. In the past I have focused on the theories behind my role as a Technology Director and the resources that support that role. However, little of that is what I actually do. Sure, visioning and theory is powerful - but what we actually do with it is what matters.

From here on out you are going to read mostly about the day to day (week to week - or month to month - depending on when I can write) activities of me as a tech director.

Hopefully this will serve as a record for me to reflect back on and can perhaps serve as somewhere for other directors to look at and see what someone else is doing - or perhaps a place for others to see what this job entails.

For those of you following - I hope this serves a purpose for you.


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