Guest Post - 10 Social Networking Tools for Teachers

10 Social Networking Tools for Teachers

Teachers who want to get into social networking or expand their current network can find many different communities, micro-blogging platforms, interactive marketplaces, learning management systems, and other helpful resources online. Here are 10 social networking tools created specifically for educators and academics.

Applebatch - Applebatch is a teacher community and professional network for K-12 educators who want to build relationships, learn more about networking events, and explore job opportunities.

TeachAde - TeachAde is an interactive online community and social network for teachers, college professors, and home schoolers. Site members can collaborate, communicate, and share resources online.

We the Teachers - We the Teachers combines social networking with teachers resources to provide a useful online community for educators. Teachers can use the site to share lesson plans, communicate with like-minded teachers, and gain access to free classroom tools.

Edmodo - This private social platform works sort of like Twitter but is designed specifically for teachers and students. Edmodo provides a safe place to share files, assignments, and more.

HotChalk - HotChalk is a learning environment and social platform for K-12 teachers. This site also offers a learning management system and a library of free teacher resources.

TeachStreet - TeachStreet is an online learning community for students and an online marketplace for teachers who want to connect with students. The site allows teachers to promote classes, events, and workshops and collect payments online.

TeacherTube - TeacherTube is a unique site where teachers can share instructional videos and other types of content online. Anyone can upload a video, comment on current videos, and rate viewed videos.

Edutagger - Edutagger is a social bookmarking site for K-12 teachers who want to share articles, news, and blog posts. Anyone can submit content to the site and users can vote on their favorite pieces.

GroupTweet - Teachers who like to use Twitter to network and socialize will like GroupTweet. This free app allows users to share private messages via Twitter.

Shelfari - Shelfari is an excellent social network for teachers who like to read and want to share their bookshelf with other educators. There are several education and school-related groups on the site. Teachers can join a group or start their own.

Guest post from education writer Karen Schweitzer. Karen is the Guide to Business School. She also writes about online classes for


  1. Thanks for the TeachStreet mention -- we really appreciate it! Let me know if you'd ever like to talk, to get more information on TeachStreet for your members (or to hear about some new things we'll be launching in coming weeks and months!)

    Dave Schappell
    CEO, TeachStreet

    Find Great Local and Online Classes and Teachers


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