Maine 207 Summer Learning Academies

Last summer we successfully launched our Maine Summer Institutes with just a few courses in cooperative learning and problem-based learning.These programs were very successful which has motivated us to expand our course offerings and repackage our summer program under the title,  "Maine 207 Summer Professional Learning Academies." 

Throughout the summer, beginning with the week of June 13th, we are offering a variety of different workshops on these topics: Differentiated Instruction,  Cooperative Learning (Johnson and Johnson model), Problem-Based Learning (IMSA model), Data Driven Decision Making, Literacy and the Common Core Standards through the lens of one's discipline, Google Apps in the Collaborative Classroom, Google Certified Apps for Education Trainer Preparation Program, and Co-Teaching for Success.

As was true last summer, we are making these courses available to all teachers, no matter what district they are from. Out of district teachers will be required to pay a tuition fee which will cover their instruction, lunch depending on the scheduled time of the class, and books/materials.  The only exception is our Problem-Based Learning Course which will be funded with the assistance of NSERVE and therefore will be free to teachers. Most of these courses are approved courses (1 to 2 hour graduate credit hours) through Aurora University and the tuition is reasonable at $100/credit hour.  Currently, the only courses that are closed are both of our Differentiated Instruction courses, though a waitlist has been established.  Problem Based Learning is filling, but still has seats available, though I expect it to be the next one to close.

If you know of teachers who might be interested, or you'd like to organize a team from your district, please visit our site at:
Logistical details, course syllabi and descriptions are located there.

Maine Twp District 207 is located conveniently near O'Hare airport just off of Interstates 294 and 90.  Many hotels, restaurants, and yes--even a casino to open in July, are located within our district or nearby. The workshops will be located either at Maine South/District Office, Maine East, or Maine West. South and East are in Park Ridge, IL.  West is in Des Plaines.


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