My Bookmarks and Annotations 11/13/2009

  • "Since 2004, the annual ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology has sought to shed light on how information technology affects the college experience. We ask students about the technology they own and how they use it in and out of their academic world. We gather information about how skilled students believe they are with technologies; how they perceive technology is affecting their learning experience; and their preferences for IT in courses. The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2009 is a longitudinal extension of the 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 studies. It is based on quantitative data from a spring 2009 survey of 30,616 freshmen and seniors at 103 four-year institutions and students at 12 two-year institutions; student focus groups that included input from 62 students at 4 institutions; and review of qualitative data from written responses to open-ended questions. In addition to studying student ownership, experience, behaviors, preferences, and skills with respect to information technologies, the 2009 study also includes a special focus on student ownership and use of Internet-capable handheld devices.

    Citation for this work: Smith, Shannon, Gail Salaway, and Judith Borreson Caruso, with an Introduction by Richard N. Katz. The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2009 (Research Study, Vol. 6). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2009, available from"

    tags: socialnetworking, facebook, technology, research, survey, students, ecar

  • tags: socialnetworking, facebook

  • The impetus for the summit came in response to an increased public interest in neuroscience research and how it might
    inform the teaching/learning process. Brain science is a key element in the rich milieu of knowledge contributing to the
    science of learning. Future research and efforts to translate it and communicate findings for use in practical settings by the
    education community and others must occur as a multidisciplinary effort.
    Successful translation and application of brain science research for use in practical settings has inspired new areas of focus
    such as neuroethics and neuroeconomics. Like other professionals, educators are eager to harness and decipher findings in
    neuroscience and related disciplines to inform the design of instructional strategies and learning environments whether it be
    a school classroom or informal educational setting. With research advances in areas such as memory, attention, and stress,
    information about how people learn is becoming readily available and educators are eager to translate it for their use.


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    * 32-bit XP/Vista

    tags: software, printing, green, environment, tools, freeware, print, windows

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


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