My Bookmarks and Annotations 04/29/2010

  • The scholarship of teaching and learning Spring 2002     ISSN 1096-1453     Volume 6, Issue 1 
    Improving Student Attendance:  Does it Improve Student Learning?   76a 76b 76c Robert E. Ledman, Morehouse College, GA Felix Kamuche, Morehouse College, GA

    tags: attendance, i3

  • Henry Thiele, IT director for District 207 says he is “surprised by how many schools don’t even know that [Google apps] is there.” And, when they hear about the opportunity, says, Thiele, they’re curious to know “what the catch is.” Thiele simply responds, “There is no catch.”

    Boosting Student Motivation and Performance
    “Our students involved in this program are increasing their reading ability at rates faster than anything we’ve seen before,” says Thiele. He is referring to an English course which pairs high-risk 9th graders with their own laptop. District 207 expects an average gain of three points on reading tests over the course of the year, and observes that at-risk students’ scores typically either stay stagnant, or fall behind. For those in this program, scores have skyrocketed between 8 and 10 points. While Google Apps alone was not the only factor in raising test scores, its low cost and collaborative nature made the 1-to-1 curriculum possible.

    tags: googleapps, google_apps, web2.0, Thiele

  • PowerPoint has become public enemy number one for many US officers who find themselves battling slide presentations rather than insurgents.Some have gone as far as to declare all-out war on the software after the military command was over-run with mind-numbing 30-slide presentations.

    Read more:

    tags: powerpoint, visualization

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


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