Post 12/17/2008

  • Safety, education, and empowerment on YouTube
    12/11/2008 12:01:00 AM
    (Cross-posted from the YouTube Blog)

    We've always been committed to providing you the tools to have the best possible YouTube experience. Educating parents, teens, and families on how to stay safe on our site is a critical part of that commitment, so we can't think of a more appropriate place to introduce our new Abuse and Safety Center than at the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) conference in Washington, D.C., today.

    tags: empowerment, safety, youtube, google

  • Seven years of reform experiments—some show promise, few taken to scale, modest gains in performance by Sarah Karp and John Myers December 15, 2008

    tags: catalyst, Duncan, Sec_Ed

  • I don’t really give details about the sites I’m listing here because they’re all very similar — the music and sounds here are royalty-free and it’s just an easy matter of searching and downloading them. Of course, credit should be given to the source when they’re used in online projects. I’ve also tried avoiding sites that have obvious content not appropriate for classroom use, but something might have slipped by me.

    I also don’t believe that any of the sites here require any software download or registration.

    Here are my choices for The Best Places To Get Royalty-Free Music & Sound Effects:

    tags: Royallty_Free_Music

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


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