My Bookmarks and Annotations 06/13/2009

  • "In 2005, West Virginia became the second state in the nation to join the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (“P21”). P21, an advocacy organization that includes members from the business community, education leaders, and policymakers, was developed to “define a powerful vision for 21st century education to ensure every child’s success as citizens and workers in the 21st century” (P21, 2004). Highlighted by four core 21st century student learning outcomes, the unified vision of the Partnership is to develop teaching and learning for the 21st century in order to strengthen education in America. In joining this Partnership, the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) collaborated with West Virginia leaders from business, government, and education, who committed themselves to systemic change that will prepare the youth of West Virginia to be productive and successful citizens globally, both now and in the future. The WVDE, with guidance from the visionary work of P21, has instituted a comprehensive framework of policies, strategies, and resources to implement 21st century learning and instruction. In support of this undertaking, Edvantia, Inc., was contracted to work with the West Virginia Department of Education to create a comprehensive chronicle of West Virginia’s experience with P21."

    tags: 21st_century, WV_Teach_21

  • The 21st Century Learning Imperative: "In West Virginia, we were one of three states that received full approval with regard to its assessment and accountability system. Our standards, our assessments met the gold standard, so to speak, at the U.S. Department of Education. And I can remember the call that came in from [former Education] Secretary Paige at the time that said, 'Congratulations, your system has met the mustard,' at which time I said, 'Thank you Mr. Secretary.' At first glance our numbers under NCLB looked pretty good.... We have improved performance [in] every single student subgroup in both content areas at every grade level."

    tags: 21st_century, WV_Teach_21

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


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