My Bookmarks and Annotations 06/25/2009

  • Also variously referred to as "NECC 2.0," the NECC "Fringe" Festival, or the NECC "Unconference." NECC Unplugged is held during and as a part of the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC ) June 28th - July 1. It is three days of presentations where anyone can sign up to present, either on-site or virtually, and held on-site in it's own "lounge" area and hosted virtually in Elluminate . Have you always wanted to present at NECC but weren't selected? Or dop you have a topic to present or discuss that wasn't timely when formal presentation applications were due last year, but is so now? If so, sign yourself up! (Special note to presenters representing commercial companies: This is not a venue for direct promotion of your commercial product[s].)

    tags: necc2009, necc, neccunplugged, unplugged, necc09, conference

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


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