
Showing posts from November, 2008

Post 11/25/2008

Convert Text to Speech Free. Listen to any document, website or blog iSpeech Text to Speech Blog- Read with your Ears iSpeech blog covers text to speeech topics relating to iSpeech converts websites, RSS feeds, blogs documents (Microsoft Office, Adobe PDF and text to speech from any PC or mobile device. Download your favorite blogs and news feeds as mp3 or podcast your favorite websites onto your iPod with iSpeech TTS. tags : audio , text2speech , convert , mp3 , podcast , speech , blog , ispeech Posted from Diigo . The rest of my favorite links are here .

Post 11/22/2008

Ditch the Backpack: 100 Essential Web Tools for Virtual Students | eLearning Gurus Excellent list of resources tags : tools Posted from Diigo . The rest of my favorite links are here .

Post 11/21/2008

bookr Free resource for making and embedding photo books online tags : flickr , photos Building Better Backchannels Allowing people to interact with each other and the information in a focused way affords participants the opportunity to learn more and focus more on the content. Instead of sitting passively, succumbing to the temptation to take mental meanders, participating in a backchannel brings a collaborative element that actually increases mental attentiveness. tags : backchannels , education LIFE photo archive hosted by Google Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today. Most were never published and are now available for the first time through the joint work of LIFE and Google. tags : photos , google , Images , history , archive , resources , search , hosted Mathematical Quilts - Elaine Krajenke Ellison Elaine Krajenke Ellison B.A. Mathematics Michigan State University 1967 M.A. Mathematics Education University of Colorado 19...


Here are some links for the IETC conference Conference Website Thursday Handouts Friday Handouts Backchannel

Post 11/14/2008

Charter For Compassion :: home By recognizing that the Golden Rule is fundamental to all world religions, the Charter for Compassion can inspire people to think differently about religion. This Charter is being created in a collaborative project by people from all over the world. It will be completed in 2009. Use this site to offer language you'd like to see included. Or inspire others by sharing your own story of compassion. tags : TED , compassion , charter Posted from Diigo . The rest of my favorite links are here .

Embedding Flickr Photos using Pictobrowser

Want a photo gallery almost anywhere on your site? Like this There has been some questions lately about photo galleries on our teacher's website pages. We are going to be adding some more internal gallery abilities on our website this year. However, when the site was designed we had planned on leveraging the free tools out there through sites like flickr and youtube to distribute photos and video. Pictures and video are both resource hogs that we would prefer not to pay to host if someone out there is giving us the space and tools for free. Here is the first installment in getting this done. Here is a document (pdf - let me know if you want the original word document to modify) that explains how to create a flickr account and use a free service from pictobrowser to create an embed code to place a photo gallery from flickr on your site. The best part of this type of tool is that you can put it anywhere you can use html code! In other words you can use it in blogs, email, wiki...

Post 11/13/2008

Typealyzer How does it work? For a long period of time, we have been training our system to recognize texts that characterize the different types. The system, typealyzer, can now by itself find features that distinguishes one type from another. When all features, words and sentences, are combined typealyzer is able to guess which type its is most likely to be written by using statistical analysis. How can a computer know who I am? It doesn´t. But with a good amount of text it can make a pretty good guess. In addition, we all have different roles in different situations. By studying how people write, we can get an glimpse of what is on the mind of the person and what is characteristic of the person - or, as in the case of a blog - what is typical of the role/persona used when writing that blog. A person can have several blogs - and often have different roles for the various blogs - perhaps as a way to live out more sides of themselves. What’s the technology you use? Probability theory, ...

So What Happened Last Week?

Question - Ok Hank - You had these grand plans about posting during sessions at T+L - What happened? Answer - No reliable WiFi access! Question - What about at night at the hotel? Answer - I actually work while at these things! Between meeting with staff (we had 19 people out there in Seattle), taking care of work related issues back home, and trying to let my wife and kids know that I was still alive I chose not to make time for blogging. Here is the deal... The T+L conference organizers asked in advance if people would blog for them. I volunteered. Problem is, there was no WiFi in any of the presentation rooms and it was really weak in the large meeting rooms. If you want me to blog I need my tools. When I blog I cross reference what presenters are saying, link to interesting outside sources, and write directly online. None of this is possible without the Internet. I plead to you technology conference organizers everywhere - please prepare for and offer adequate WiFi so the world...