
Showing posts from February, 2009

My Bookmarks and Annotations 02/27/2009

ICE Conference Wiki Welcome to the ICE 2009 Conference. This wiki was created to house information related to Conference Handouts, Live and Recorded Video Streams, as well as Back Channeling information for all of the Keynote and Spotlight Sessions. tags : iceconference , ICE2009 , ICE_conference Posted from Diigo . The rest of my favorite links are here.

My Bookmarks and Annotations 02/26/2009

Governor offers to cut own pay, asks teachers to work for free - Teachers should work some days without pay this spring to avoid early school closures, Gov. Ted Kulongoski said Thursday as he laid out his plan to keep the state solvent in the teeth of one of its worst recessions. "The only way we're going to get out of this is if everybody contributes," Kulongoski said. As for teachers: "You do it without pay." tags : Teachers , Salary , Recession YouTube - Claude Shannon - Father of the Information Age Considered the founding father of the electronic communication age, Claude Shannon's work ushered in the Digital Revolution. This fascinating program explores his life and the major influence his work had on today's digital world through interviews with his friends and colleagues. [1/2002] [Science] [Show ID: 6090] tags : shannon , claude , history Posted from Diigo . The rest of my favorite links are here.

My Bookmarks and Annotations 02/25/2009

GPS Visualizer: Draw a map from a GPS data file This form will automatically draw your GPS data (or KML/KMZ file, or plain text data in CSV or tab-delimited format) overlaid upon street maps and satellite imagery in Google Maps. Please note that creating a map with a very large number of waypoints (or very long tracklogs, especially if speed or altitude colorization is enabled) can cause your Web browser to grind to a halt. tags : visualizer , gps , googleearth ImageChef - Customize Photos, Clip Art express yourself. instantly tags : photos , tools , generator , web2.0 , graphics , image , fun , design Moodle joins forces with Google Moodlerooms, an online learning solution that can be used for K-12 classrooms, has collaborated with Google to integrate Moodle with Google Apps Education Eduction, which allows the two communication/productivity systems to work as one great tool. Moodle administrators can create user accounts in Moodle and Google in one step, and Moodle users can access G

My Bookmarks and Annotations 02/18/2009

Highlights from the UUorld Visualization Team » Blog Archive » The Obama Stimulus Package, State by State The Obama Stimulus Package, State by State February 10th, 2009 by George Maasry The “American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan1,” as christened by President Obama, is meant to channel funds into areas critical to both the short- and long-term health of the US economy. Amidst online discussions of the plan, I came across a series of interesting articles on National Public Radio’s blog, in a section dedicated to economics called “Planet Money.” 2D Map of Stimulus Package Effects by State (by Alan Cordova) These articles, authored by Alan Cordova2, analyze five elements of the stimulus package, based on estimates released by the White House tags : visualisation , data , manyeyes , tagging 5 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year | FlowingData Data visualization continues to grow online and in the real world. It exists as masterful art pieces and amazingly useful analysis tools. I

My Bookmarks and Annotations 02/11/2009 - Flickr Cover Flow tags : flickr , slideshow Posted from Diigo . The rest of my favorite links are here.

My Bookmarks and Annotations 02/05/2009

One To One - Home tags : 1:1 , laptop , education Posted from Diigo . The rest of my favorite links are here.

My Bookmarks and Annotations 02/03/2009

One to One Computing Blueprint 1-1 resources tags : 1:1 Posted from Diigo . The rest of my favorite links are here.