My Bookmarks and Annotations 08/28/2009
100 Useful Online Calculators and Conversion Tools for Science Students «
No need to fill your backpack with expensive and unreliable tools. With these best 100 online calculators and conversion resources, you can do many common and uncommon tasks such as mathematics, graphing, finance, health, science, conversions, and even have some fun.
Why corporate IT should unchain our office computers. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine - Annotated
The restrictions infantilize workers—they foster resentment, reduce morale, lock people into inefficient routines, and, worst of all, they kill our incentives to work productively. In the information age, most companies' success depends entirely on the creativity and drive of their workers. IT restrictions are corrosive to that creativity—they keep everyone under the thumb of people who have no idea which tools we need to do our jobs but who are charged with deciding anyway.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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