My Bookmarks and Annotations 08/21/2010

  • Welcome to our first book study! We hope that this experience helps you to work through the content of the book and to connect with other educators.

    Using Tech with Classroom Instruction that WorksOur first book will be Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works (ASCD, 2007) by Howard Pitler, Elizabeth Ross Hubbell, Matt Kuhn, and Kim Malenoski. This book suggests ways in which the research-based strategies in //Classroom Instruction That Works// can be used with educational technologies, such as word processing and spreadsheet applications, multimedia, data collection tools, communication software, and the Internet.

    tags: 21stcenturyskills technology mcrel

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


  1. Henry, I look forward to watching what you and your group thinks about the book and how to apply it. Le me know if anyone has any questions about updated applications of any of the strategies. We give a 3-day workshop on the book that is the cutting edge version.

    Matt Kuhn


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