My Bookmarks and Annotations 09/28/2010

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


  1. Dear Mr. Thiele - My question, only by sheer coincidence, deals with the evolution of your mail merging template.

    I am working on a gmail merging projects as part of my undergraduate internship at DePaul University and was wondering;

    Is there anyway to combine the feature of your gmail merging template that gets the contacts from google gmail groups and puts them into the mail merge with the template created by Mr. Robinson (if you google Mail Merge under gmail documents it is the newest template) that inserts names into the actual email?

    Let me know either way and have an excellent day -


    Dave Connell

  2. Dave,

    Yes, you could blend the two scripts to create one that does both. It would probably take me a few hours to do, but someone who understands scripts better could probably do it in under an hour.



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